on 15 and 16 of November, Speed Power Taekwondo Association organized a sparring tournament that took place in stadium Kluang sport complex...i took part of this tournament...
first day,
i don't have any match on first day, but i had to be there to coach the student that will be fighting on that day. so, 5 of us from Batu Pahat went to help out to coach..coaching require fighters that have great experience so that they can do everything they can to assist the player to win a match. well, as head coach, i requested that i will pick the coach for the tournament. Me, Chua, Koh, Hanafi and Musa. we were the main coach that day, the rest were assisting us and equipment and team manager. well, this tournament was a totally new experience for all of us, because speed power taekwondo association organized almost 10 tournament a year, in our ex-association, only once a year. so, our player's experience can't compare with others...so, we just enter to have some fun and experience. but in the end, we turn out ok... for primary school, all was under control...although some of our best player lost, but we managed to lead our players to 8 finals. on the first day, we got 1 gold and 7 silver which basically means we lost 7 out of 8 finals. well, it was fun anyway...our players enjoy the game...the only thing screw up in the tournament, is there was a lots of flies...as KLUANG is famous with FLIES!!!!! later that day, i drove them home and went home to rest, i was feeling really sleepy and really need some rest as the next day i will be fighting.
second day,
i woke up about 5 am, got ready and left house by 6 am. then drove to the avenue again. i found out that i only have to fight 2 rounds to win the gold, so i figured, how about i go for it...so i coach and fight that day...Chua and i didn't fight for almost 2 years, and this is our first tournament for so long. we did ok in the first round, we both faced indian. haha....but i won the first match with unexpected performance so is chua...well, we both then lost in the finals to very good fighters came from muhibah wenwu....so both of us got silver medal instead...it was ok for us because it shows that even though we stop for so long, but in some way, we still can make it to the finals. well honestly, i am a little bit disappointed with my match because, in my fighting career, i never lose a final...well, there is always a first time right...this tournament, make my life wonderful again....because doing what i love most...i will keep on fighting...i won't stop easily this time...because hope is in my heart once again....my dream come alive and all of a sudden...my life is meaningful again...well guys, i suffered some injuries during the tournament....but not to worry...i will do anything to recover and get back my fitness.....good luck....
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