Monday, December 15, 2008

i found you.....

hey, bbe...i donno whether u will read this or not...

hey guys, i found her...i find love was hard to do so...when people leave my life one by know..."people always leave"...
we gone through a lot to be was not easy thing for her...neither to me...but we made it at last...even though "people always leave"[Payton Sawyer from One tree hill]...but "people always have a choice"[Lucas Scott form One tree hill]...we made our choice...and here we love....just hope everything turn out fine for us...

this few days...we spent most of the time together...this made me felt different with my least now i am not alone to face everything fucked up thing in my life...she is here with me...and i am there for her too...we face the same life...just hope...i can enter her world as she could enter mine with ease...i found out that we have quite a lot in common...some times...we say the same things together....haha...i felt love again...and i felt that i am important to some one again...someone cares for me again...listen to what i have to say...take care of me...i am just the most lucky guy right now...

i have to completely a disappointment towards Maxis Broadband management!!! where is their brain??? one booth...and they can mess up by hiring too many part time....150 part time promoters...on the first day...who dare to go there?? how to fight sales when there is so many part timers? they didn't see this coming...and we suffer the most because is too hard to do sales around the booth...we have to go around and try to find customers...and avoid PIKOM's coordinators...haih..i just wanna do sales only...sorry guys...i noe finding u all to come work and this kind of situation happened is really wasting your time...i am time i will make sure everything is safe only ask u all...if there is a next time la...if not...i will do myself ok...this pc fair...i really not in the mood to do anything...haih...luckilly got bbe...acc me...if not...i die liao lo...

IMK assignment...totally rejected by Mr Goh...and need to resubmit on very stressful because it was all last minutes work,...and messed everything up...i took the blame though....because i didnt guide them well...i noe how to do...but i didnt check their work...haih...depress...Marketing Reseach assignment also haven to handle??anyone please???

Mellaca...22nd DEC...i donno am i prepared for this...but i really wanna not easy...but only tough challenges make us grow...i will give my best shot...i promise...bbe...very "ke xi" that you cannot come to my tournament...really hope u can...but i noe...u you always support me de right?? and don worry...remember what i promise you last night k?

you you live your life does not depends on fate completely....fate brings you the choices...and you choose...we always have a we choose and what we choose will decide the outcome of my friend...choose wisely...take care and good luck...

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